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This page is full of free useful software for PCs which I use, just click on the link to download.

ScreenClipper, nice little screen grab program, adjustable size, and when actuated creates a Screen Clipper folder in your documents that saves all the pictures in jpegs into it www.shotmaster.co.uk/ScreenClipper.exe  

If your computer has not yet upgraded to Win 10 and you want to keep it on Win 7 (as I do) a little program called "never10" is what you need    www.shotmaster.co.uk/never10.exe 

Nexus Radio, great free radio program, over 4,000 stations   www.shotmaster.co.uk/nexus.exe  (one little tip, when you choose a station in your saved favorites and it comes up "station unavailable" just click it again and it usually plays ok) 

Ink saver, useful for saving ink when printing    www.shotmaster.co.uk/inksaver.zip

Red Crab calculator program   www.shotmaster.co.uk/redcrab.zip

Grabbit Pro screen capture program   www.shotmaster.co.uk/grabbitpro.zip

Anti Crash, nice little program that just sits in the background ,and pops up to prevent crashes, works on Win 7 but not sure if it will work on Win 10    www.shotmaster.co.uk/anticrash.zip 

Photo to sketch program    www.shotmaster.co.uk/phototosketch.exe 

Post it notes   www.shotmaster.co.uk/postitnotes.exe

Photo resizer program    www.shotmaster.co.uk/photoresizer.exe 

101 Compelling Text advertising Ebook    www.shotmaster.co.uk/compellingtext.exe

Firefox, probably the best internet browser, much better than Internet Explorer, and if you use Ebay, try the Ebay sidebar add-on, its very good   www.shotmaster.co.uk/firefox.exe  

K-Meleon, very small browser, uses very little memory, I use it just to listen to youtube music or internet radio stations and minimize it to play in the background   www.shotmaster.co.uk/kmeleon.exe